Search Results - renewable+energy

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Twistron Mechanical Energy Harvesters
Mechanical energy harvesters are needed for diverse applications, including self-powered wireless sensors, structural and human health monitoring systems, automotive technologies, and the extraction of energy from ocean waves. Until now, few harvesters have been flexible enough to be used as yarns in textiles, and the performance of such yarns has been...
Published: 6/26/2024   |   Inventor(s): Shi Hyeong Kim, Carter Haines, Na Li, Keon Jung Kim, Tae Jin Mun, Changsoon Choi, Jiangtao Di, Shaoli Fang, Seon Jeong Kim, Ray Baughman
Keywords(s): Automotive, Carbon Nanomaterials, Carbon Nanotubes, Electronics, Energy, Cleantech & Environmental, Engineering & Physical Sciences, Renewable Energy, Sensors & Controls, Textiles, Wireless
Category(s): Nanotechnology
A New Environmentally Friendly Acid for Hydrolysis of Celluloses
Current methods for cellulose hydrolysis have serious setbacks that impede progress in ethanol production from biomass. Researchers at UT Dallas have developed a novel, minimally corrosive acid that can be used in place of the caustic chemicals that are currently used. By using this new organic acid, commercial acid hydrolysis can be undertaken without...
Published: 4/26/2019   |   Inventor(s): Duck Joo (dj) Yang, Matthew Fiala
Keywords(s): Agriculture, Biomaterials, Chemistry, Energy, Cleantech & Environmental, Industrial & Manufacturing, Renewable Energy
Category(s): Industrial & Manufacturing