Search Results - electronics

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Encapsulated Thermoacoustic Projector Based on Free-Standing Carbon Nanotube Film
Technical Summary: There are promising applications for thermophones in high power sonar arrays, flexible loudspeakers, and noise cancellation devices. Transparent CNT sheets have the density of air, the electrical conductivity of metals, and the flexibility to fit to any curved surface. Thermoacoustic (TA) sound generation results from temperature...
Published: 11/3/2020   |   Inventor(s): Ali Aliev, Ray Baughman
Keywords(s): Communications, Devices, Electronics, Engineering & Physical Sciences, Materials
Category(s): Electronics
System for Extracting Venous Pulsation and Respiratory Information from Photoplethysmographs
The University of Texas at Dallas presents a technique that addresses the inaccuracy of skin-mounted photoplethysmographic (PPG) biosensor measurements by separating the arterial and venous signals - enabling extraction of other medically-relevant features, including: respiration rate, heart rate, and SpO2. The effective removal of various motion artifacts...
Published: 4/26/2019   |   Inventor(s): Mehrdad Nourani, Rasoul Yousefi
Keywords(s): 5G, Assay, Diagnostics, Electronics, Research Tools, Software, Wireless
Category(s): Healthcare, Software & Information Technology, Signal Processing, Medical Devices
Accurate and Motion-Tolerant Sensing of Arterial and Venous Pulsation for Wearable Photoplethysmographic (PPG) Biosensors
The University of Texas at Dallas presents a real-time, adaptive technique that provides robust signal enhancement against motion artifact for wearable photoplethysmographic (PPG) systems, enabling the reliable extraction of heart rate and oxygen saturation. Despite the benefits of using PPG biosensors, most of the useful information they capture...
Published: 4/26/2019   |   Inventor(s): Mehrdad Nourani, Rasoul Yousefi
Keywords(s): 5G, Assay, Diagnostics, Electronics, Research Tools, Software, Wireless
Category(s): Healthcare, Medical Devices, Signal Processing, Software & Information Technology
Total Energy Shaping for Task-Invariant Control of Lower-Limb Exoskeletons
We present a total energy shaping control methodology for the development of portable lower-limb assistive exoskeletons and orthotic devices that help reduce the human’s effort and augment natural motion. Current robotic exoskeletons restrict joint motion to pre-defined position trajectories during gait rehabilitation; such methods aim to replicate...
Published: 5/20/2020   |   Inventor(s): Robert Gregg, Ge Lv
Keywords(s): Biocompatible, Devices, Electronics, Engineering & Physical Sciences, Mechanical Systems, Medical Devices, Research Tools, Sensors & Controls, Signal Processing, Software, Therapeutics, Transportation, Wireless
Category(s): Robotics, Healthcare, Control Strategy
A Lower Limb Powered Orthosis for Improved Rehabilitation Training
Physical training is often needed for patients to relearn how to walk after a stroke, or other neurological damage. However, the frequency and availability of physical training are limited by finite medical resources: most lower-limb rehabilitation orthoses are stationary and only available in a limited number of clinical settings, due to their large...
Published: 5/20/2020   |   Inventor(s): Robert Gregg, Hanqi Zhu
Keywords(s): Electronics, Engineering & Physical Sciences, Medical Devices, Motors, Research Tools, Sensors & Controls, Therapeutics
Category(s): Devices, Healthcare, Robotics, Mechanical Systems
Amorphous Silicon Carbide Ultramicroelectrode Arrays for Neural Interfaces
The clinical ability to record and stimulate neural activity with implanted microelectrode arrays has been limited by the problems of insertion trauma and foreign body response (FBR), which can lead to neuron damage and reduced reliability. Minimizing this tissue response is necessary for the development of implantable interfaces for studying neural...
Published: 4/26/2019   |   Inventor(s): Stuart Cogan, Timothy Gardner
Keywords(s): Biocompatible, Electronics, Engineering & Physical Sciences, Implantable, Life Sciences, Materials, Medical, Sensors & Controls, Therapeutics
Category(s): Research Tools, Devices, Healthcare
Neurocase: Peripheral Nerve Electrode for Neural Recording and Stimulation
The ability to record and stimulate neural activity with implanted microelectrode arrays has been limited by the problems of insertion trauma and foreign body response, which can lead to neuron damage and reduced reliability of results. Minimizing such tissue responses is necessary to develop implantable interfaces for studying neural activity and even...
Published: 1/5/2022   |   Inventor(s): Stuart Cogan, Atefeh Ghazavi, Alexandra Joshi-Imre
Keywords(s): Biocompatible, Biotechnology, Electronics, Engineering & Physical Sciences, Healthcare, Implantable, Life Sciences, Materials, Medical, Medical Devices, Therapeutics
Category(s): Biomedical, Devices, Research Tools
Powered Prosthetic Leg for Restoring Natural Locomotion and Mobility Across Tasks
Current passive prostheses are used to alleviate the effects of amputation, but they are limited in their ability to completely restore functionality because such mechanisms may only dissipate energy that the user introduces. In the case of above-knee amputees, many passive prosthetic devices aim to mimic normal walking conditions but typically leave...
Published: 6/26/2024   |   Inventor(s): Robert Gregg, Toby Elery, Siavash Rezazadeh, Christopher Nesler
Keywords(s): Devices, Electronics, Energy Storage & Battery, Engineering & Physical Sciences, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Mechanical Systems, Medical, Medical Devices, Therapeutics
Category(s): Robotics
Object Flow Integrity: A Method of Securing Binary Software Against Hijacking Attacks on Object-Oriented Systems
The University of Texas at Dallas is seeking partners interested in broadening the software security technique of control-flow integrity (CFI) to support a much larger class of target application programs and architectures while further enhancing the security capabilities. Object Flow Integrity (OFI) is the first work to safely support inter-module...
Published: 4/26/2019   |   Inventor(s): Kevin Hamlen
Keywords(s): Computer, Electronics, Engineering & Physical Sciences, Internet of Things (IoT), Software
Category(s): Cybersecurity, Diagnostics, IT & Networking
Twistron Mechanical Energy Harvesters
Mechanical energy harvesters are needed for diverse applications, including self-powered wireless sensors, structural and human health monitoring systems, automotive technologies, and the extraction of energy from ocean waves. Until now, few harvesters have been flexible enough to be used as yarns in textiles, and the performance of such yarns has been...
Published: 6/26/2024   |   Inventor(s): Shi Hyeong Kim, Carter Haines, Na Li, Keon Jung Kim, Tae Jin Mun, Changsoon Choi, Jiangtao Di, Shaoli Fang, Seon Jeong Kim, Ray Baughman
Keywords(s): Automotive, Carbon Nanomaterials, Carbon Nanotubes, Electronics, Energy, Cleantech & Environmental, Engineering & Physical Sciences, Renewable Energy, Sensors & Controls, Textiles, Wireless
Category(s): Nanotechnology
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