Search Results - imaging

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Noninvasive & High-Contrast Imaging of Kidney Function Enabled by Renal Clearable Nanofluorophores
The University of Texas at Dallas is seeking companies interested in commercializing a renal-clearable contrast agent that is the first to enable high-resolution, noninvasive, fluorescent imaging of kidney function. Kidney disease affects more than 10% of adults worldwide and the current technologies used to detect and track the progress of renal complications...
Published: 4/26/2019   |   Inventor(s): Jie Zheng, Mengxiao Yu
Keywords(s): Biocompatible, Biomarkers, Chemistry, Diagnostics, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Medical, Molecular Biology, Nanotechnology, Research Tools
Category(s): Biomedical, Imaging
Novel Class of pH Responsive and Renal Clearable Tumor Imaging Agents
Non-Confidential Description:The technology is a novel class of pH responsive luminescent gold nanoparticles that are renal clearable and that selectively bind to cells in an acidic environment such as tumor cells. An advantage of these novel pH responsive nanoparticles is that they can be used to specifically target the acidic microenvironment of tumor...
Published: 4/23/2021   |   Inventor(s): Jie Zheng
Keywords(s): Biocompatible, Biomarkers, Biomaterials, Diagnostics, Healthcare, Imaging, Life Sciences, Materials, Medical, Nanotechnology, Research Tools, Therapeutics
Category(s): Biomedical, Imaging
Improved Auto Exposure for Digital and Smartphone Cameras
This invention is an improved auto exposure (AE) method which, unlike existing AE methods, does not make a middle brightness assumption. As a result, this invention allows for better exposed images, in particular in poor lighting conditions such as front/back lit and low light scenes. The developed method has been implemented on a camera platform and...
Published: 4/26/2019   |   Inventor(s):  
Keywords(s): Multi Media, Optics & Photonics, Processes, Sensors & Controls, Signal Processing, Software
Category(s): Imaging