Search Results - dental

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Improved Dental Abutment Geometries for Cement-Retained Crowns
According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, over 500,000 dental implants are performed per year in the United States. Despite being such a common procedure, peri-implant disease has been found to affect as much as 48% of implants according to the American Academy of Periodontology. Inefficiencies of commercial dental implant systems have...
Published: 4/26/2019   |   Inventor(s): Lucas Rodriguez, Danieli Rodrigues, Juliana Saba, Chandur Wadhwani
Keywords(s): Biocompatible, Biomaterials, Devices, Healthcare, Implantable, Life Sciences, Mechanical Systems, Medical, Medical Devices
Category(s): Biomedical, Dental
Multifunctional Ionic liquids for Surface Modification of Dental Implants
Titanium dental implants are known for their high success rates and adequate osseointegration in vivo. However, with an increasing number of implants used, higher incidence of failures has been reported. These failures have been associated with microbial colonization, peri-implant inflammation, corrosion, implant design, overload, as well as a combination...
Published: 4/26/2019   |   Inventor(s): Danieli Rodrigues, Izabelle De Mello Gindri
Keywords(s): Antibodies, Biocompatible, Biomaterials, Coatings, Drug Delivery, Healthcare, Implantable, Life Sciences, Materials, Medical, Medical Devices, Therapeutics
Category(s): Biomedical, Dental