Oxygenation/Intubation Assembly Hood (COVID-19)


Oxygenation/Intubation Assembly Hood (COVID-19)


The Oxygenation/Intubation Assembly Hood is designed to fit behind the mattress and is measured to fit down to the level of the hospital bed hinge. It forms a frame around the top and front of the patient’s head and face. By using this frame, the plastic equipment bags used in all hospitals can then be draped over and around it to completely cover the patient down to their hips/legs. There frame provides enough clearance behind the front visor for all types of oxygenation equipment, including HFNC or NIPPV.


If the patient needs to be intubated, the entire apparatus folds back seamlessly along with the bed and continues to serve as a framework to keep the plastic bag in place. There is enough clearance above the chest area in case chest compressions are needed.


The frame gives enough room for all manner of equipment, such as the video laryngoscope handles, and enough clearance for the stylet/ETT to be moved in any desired axis in order to successfully pass the tube. The frame also helps to keep the bag taut enough to have a clear view of the patient’s head/face with no obstruction.


Download parts and assembly instructions here.


© 2020 The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. This is an experimental prototype and health care providers should exercise their clinical and professional judgment in determining whether use of this prototype is appropriate in treating any particular patient. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Patent Information:
Medical Devices
For Information, Contact:
Christine Weaver
Director, Licensing and New Venture Development
University of Texas Health Science Center At Houston
Toby Thomas
Richard Gordon