The invention is a device to be used specifically for shoulder rehabilitation. It provides a method for the patient to exercise the shoulder for rehabilitation without the supervision of a medical professional, thus improving the therapeutic outcome.
Shoulder injuries do not occur with the same frequency as knee or hip injuries and, as a result, the rehabilitation equipment available for treatment can be sparse or require use in a professional setting. For a full recovery of shoulder injuries or shoulder surgeries, it is important that patients perform frequent exercise regimens. This device would allow patients to use it at home or in professional settings because it is easy to use, can be used anywhere, and does not require diligent supervision from a professional.
The device, made up of two arches of PVC pipes in varying radii and a grip collar around each tube. The patient can grip the collar after adjusting its tension to a desired level and move the collar about the arch. This motion provides exercise of the shoulder within a safe and limited range of motion, thus ensuring that no overexertion and overextension will occur. A prototype of the device has been constructed and is being tested for efficacy.
Commercial Applications & Advantages:
This device can be used in both a professional setting and at home for physical rehabilitation. The device has the following advantages over other products:
- Provides substantial improvement in post-injury and post-surgerical physical therapy
- Provides rehabilitation exercises in a non-impact format
- Very easy to use, leading to greater patient compliance
- Provides opportunity for frequency of use that is otherwise absent from shoulder rehabilitation therapy, leading to complete recovery